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At dicomLAB we believe that systematic research is the firmest basis for innovation, but more importantly, we think that any claim we make about our product must be rooted in hard evidence.

This is especially important, as we are talking about a medical device, but also because our customers deserve no less than evidence-based answers. This is why our Research Department conducts both in vitro and clinical studies regarding various aspects related to the use of our guides, the results of which are regularly published in international journals. We work together with a wide range of dental professionals, including dental students, practicing dentists, PhD students in dentistry, and people from all levels of the academia, but we also reach out to the industry.

The research questions we ask are usually inspired by the questions we are asked by implant dentists and other professionals in the field of dental implantology. These questions are often simple ones - but they are all the more important.


Is it more accurate than freehand?


How about heat? Are surgical guides safe?


Can the same accuracy be achieved as with a conventional impression?


Varga et al. (2020)

Guidance means accuracy: A randomized clinical trial on freehand versus guided dental implantation


 - Clinical Oral Implants Research -

A randomized clinical trial was conducted to compare all three known static guided surgery protocols (pilot, partial, and full) with each other and with freehand surgery in terms of accuracy, under the same conditions.

Antal et al. (2020)


Accuracy and clinical safety of guided root end resection with a trephine: a case series

- Head & Face Medicine -

Root-end resection is an endodontic surgical intervention that requires high precision so that all ramifications and lateral canals so as infected tissues are eliminated. An exploratory study was conducted to justify the clinical safety and accuracy of guided root-end resection with a trephine.

Barrak et al. (2019)

Heat Generation During Guided and Freehand Implant Site Preparation at Drilling Speeds of 1500 and 2000 RPM at Different Irrigation Temperatures: An In Vitro Study

- Oral Health and Preventive Dentistry-

The purpose of our study was to evaluate the impact of different irrigation fluid temperatures on intraosseous temperature increment during guided and freehand implant site preparation.

Barrak et al. (2018)

Intraosseous Heat Generation During Osteotomy Performed Freehand and Through Template With an Integrated Metal Guide Sleeve: An In Vitro Study

- Implant Dentistry -

To investigate drill wear and consequent intraosseous temperature elevation during freehand and guided bone drilling, with attention to the effect of metal-on-metal contact during guided drilling.

Boa et al. (2016)

 Intraosseous generation of heat during guided surgical drilling: An ex vivo study of the effect of the temperature of the irrigating fluid

- British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery -

We measured the rise in the intraosseous temperature caused by freehand drilling or drilling through a surgical guide, by comparing different temperatures of irrigation fluid (10◦C, 15◦C, and 20◦C), for every step of the drilling sequence (diameters 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, and 3.5 mm) and using a constant drilling speed of 1200 rpm.

Boa et al. (2015)

External cooling efficiently controls intraosseous temperature rise caused by drilling in a drilling guide system: an in vitro study


- British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery -

The purpose of this study was to measure the rise in intraosseous temperature caused by drilling through a drilling guide system.

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